Monday, December 15, 2014

Blood Drive/ Lego


              During these last few weeks i have been working on a couple of videos. One of these includes a film about a student named Jason who was donating blood at the recent ONW blood drive. The other is about Liz building a with legos for the first time ever.
The Blood Drive: With the Blood Drive being just around the corner we decided that were going to make a video supporting the blood drive. Our task was to find a subject and film their journey throughout the blood drive. About a day before filming I made a list of questions to ask the subject. When I arrived I found Jason and he agreed to allow me to interview him. While I was filming time was a big problem. I only had a limited amount of time to get all the shots I needed, but Jason was getting bis blood drawn as I needed to start wrapping up. I feel like I was still able to get enough shots to tell a good story though. During editing I had to organize all my shots in a sequence that made sense. I wish I could have gotten more shots while still asking the questions I did and organize them in the same way.
                                          Lego: In this video I recorded Liz building with legos for her first time. I think i was able to tell a good story with the footage I got. Only problems I had with this video was just getting a large variety of shots. During editing this i learned many new techniques, mostly I learned how to properly adda voice over and how to use J and L edits. J and L edits are points in the video where I cut to another shot while the noise from the previous clip is still running. I personally like this video better than my blood drive video just because I got more shots and it has a better story.


  1. Your information was good, yet it would've been a bit easier to read if it was spaced out a bit. In your videos, your voiceovers were good, but in the Blood Drive video, it was a bit awkward seeing 3 shots of Jason talking in a row; I feel like it would've felt a bit more natural to see something in between those. Other than that, you did a good job!

  2. Your blog is short (I like it that is it short) but it need more words. You need to put in your personality in it because it sounds like a teacher hating their job.

  3. The format is kind of wacky because of where the videos are placed. It makes it look interesting but doesn't look nice. I like how you bolded the words on sub titles. The tittle could be made to be a little more interesting. Overall it was a good blog.
